Quotes From "There Will Be Lies" By Nick Lake

Every generation that goes into your genes is a generation...
Every generation that goes into your genes is a generation of fighters, of survivors. And all those millions of lives are in you, in your blood. Nick Lake
Reading is awesome. Just escaping into someone else's life, into another world. In books, everything is possible. Nick Lake
There are things that, when they break, they keep on functioning, just in some other, lesser way. Like an elevator: it breaks, and it's a room. An escalator: it breaks, and it's stairs The heart is the same. It breaks, and you might not even notice, because you still feel things, you still have emotions. Nick Lake
...she took away my yesterdays. But that's OK. Because now I am a person made of tomorrows. Nick Lake
No one is too old for fairy tales. Nick Lake